Underprivileged has fewer options- even with the Nordic Healthcare System!

15 min read

Photo by Tom Parsons on Unsplash

We all discern that everyone deserves “Quality Healthcare.” Besides, there is no argument; we all needed it yesterday, and- not merely tomorrow. We likewise have our own percept as to what that quality care is supposed to mean. The concluding notions don’t necessarily divide us as to what needs to be done to achieve affordable, high-quality medical service. Instead, what truly rubbles society is the impracticable conception of logistics around healthcare deliverance. There is an overwhelming controversy as to what is an excellent solution. Amid all the confusion, one ideology that is most prevalent in our system is the subject...

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Adam Tabriz, MD Dr. Adam Tabriz is an Executive level physician, writer, personalized healthcare system advocate, and entrepreneur with 15+ years of success performing surgery, treating patients, and creating innovative solutions for independent healthcare providers. He provides critically needed remote care access to underserved populations in the Healthcare Beyond Borders initiative. His mission is to create a highly effective business model that alleviates the economic and legislative burden of independent practitioners, empowers patients, and creates ease of access to medical services for everyone. He believes in Achieving performance excellence by leveraging medical expertise and modern-day technology.

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